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Early Learning and Homeschool  Enrichment

Taking place on a beautiful farm in Heber Valley, Sept - May, and 100% outdoors, this course offers Kindergaten -4th grade replacement, and home school enrichment up to 5th grade.  With a ratio of at most 1:6, we are able to accomodate the natural curiosity of each child, and document their progress.  With a child-led, and place based curriculum, students will gain a high-quality education at their own pace while benefiting from an underlying focus on their mental, social, and physical health.

 AM and PM Classes still open Fall '25

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Educational Gardening

Now enrolling for Fall 2025, express interest below.

Take a look at what a typical day would look like here with us! Drop off starts at 8:50 Check in - Each child will circle up and have a chance to check in, giving them a chance to voice their curiosity, hopes, and mood for the day. Our Facilitator may totally change the objectives and pace of the day as a result of the childrens comments. Directed learning activity - Usually first thing, our facilitator will facilitate an experience that is place-based and interdiciplinary, much like experiencing a real-live story problem. This could be a simple a task as gathering chicken eggs from numbered or colored brood boxes, and then dividing them up into the take-home baskets. Free play - It is vital that our kids have a chance to have supervised free play and take advantage of our beautiful farm! Far too much research supports free play to skip it! To build social skills, cooperation, risk assessment, grounding, and focus, we make sure we get a healthy dose of free play each day! Reading/Story time - Of course we have story time! There are some deeper reasons why stories are vital to learning, but really we just can't picture any learning experience without children gathering around, begging for a story! Directed Exploration - What might be a considered a mini field trip, our facilitators will plan a trip to see the nearby animals, or some feature of the farm. This is a chance to see what natural curiosity arrises from the children, and taking the time to really explore without forcing a lesson. Closing check out - An opportunity is given to each child to say anything they'd like, or silence is just fine too! Facilitators will exemplify summarizing what they learned or something interesting they came across that day. Half day pick up is 12:30

Some course can be classified as a Science/Language arts class.  We provide a very hands on elemenary course into all living things on the farm-animals, plants, bugs, and habitats, and what they need to thrive. We draw direct comparisons into what we as humans need to thrive as well. As we learn of these topics we read books, write stories and practice drawing connections. We belive children learn and thrive in a speacial way by stories and we love to tell stories, and teach them how to become great story tellers as well! 

Some course can be classified as a PE class.  We cover Topics of basic nutrition and the effects it has on the body.  We also promote and allow space for children to develop gross and fine motor skills.

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